Saturday, June 27, 2009

Just me

Not at all sure what I'm going to do with this blog. At least for now I just wanted to see what it's going to look like. I've never been very good at keeping blogs up to date and this will probably be no exception. Might have to leave myself a note to remind myself to post something regularly. For now I'll just say a little about me for any readers who don't know me:

Married at 19, widowed at 48, mother of three, grandmother of one.
Love to read - currently rereading (for the umpteenth time!) Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
Love to watch movies on DVD - list of 2 dozen that I rotate through regularly and another couple hundred I throw on once in a while.
Find politics confusing, though I do have a couple of 'pet issues' I love to debate on various forums.
Religious views - non-denominational Christian.
Most influential person in my life - my mother.

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