Monday, December 7, 2009


I have had no credit cards since I filed bankruptcy in 2005. So why do I keep getting calls about my "current credit card account"? With my caller ID, I should be able to simply not bother picking up when such a call comes in, right? Wrong! They never come from the same state, much less the same number! Just got a call and the caller ID merely read the number and 'Seattle, Washington'. Having several cousins and other distant family members living in Washington, of course I'm going to pick up the phone, thinking it might be one of them trying to reach me for some reason. So, I answer the call and hear the start of this recorded message about my non-existant credit card account! The only person in this home who has a credit card also has his own phone number. (two separate numbers, in fact!)

One of these days, I'm going to listen to the entire spiel and see if I can figure out where they are originating from and just what the purpose behind them is. Then I'm going to see if there's anything I can do about getting them stopped! Once I have more info (like the company name and maybe the name of someone to contact) I just might contact the local TV station's 'help line' to see if they can at the least do a story about this nonsense.

Health Insurance

Okay, three years ago, Ford/UAW changed the retiree insurance and required a $10/month payment that I couldn't afford, which shunted me automatically to the 'catastrophic coverage'. That was bad enough. Now they've changed it again, this time with no warning at all. Beginning next month I will be getting a bill from BC/BS for $15/month! And I still have to pay the first $170 before the coverage even kicks in! And, should I have to fill a prescription, each will cost me $10-25, depending on whether there's a generic available or not. And the 'catastophic coverage' is no longer offered. So I have no choice at all unless I'm willing to have no health insurance.
Oh, if I were covered by another plan, I could waive this one. Whoopee! I can't afford this one! How the hell do they think I would have anything else?