Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Understanding vs not understanding

Since when is it some sort of "crime against others" for me to not understand something?

I've been involved in a discussion on rape on city-data. The discussion was supposed to be about what kind of 'responsibility' a woman has to protect herself from rape. Smart things to so and not-so-smart things they should maybe not do.

Yesterday, I replied to a post about single girls dressing alluringly and heading to their neighborhood bars. All I stated was that I had never done so and that I really don't understand women who would do so. And I really don't understand why any woman would wear skimpy clothes and go into that kind of environment. Especially going alone.

Instead of explaining it, all of a sudden everyone there was attacking me, claiming that I was attacking other women!


  1. Thats a complex problem, pitting personal freedom of expression against the realities of human behaviour.
    Certainly one SHOULD be able to dress as such and be safe from attack. Being dressed like that is not an excuse for some one to violate another.
    The sad fact is, that in the eyes of some, it is an excuse. But more to the point, some are unable to control themselves, or have a warped sense 'justifiable'.
    Your position, seems to me, is simply one of caution, as a recognition of reality.
    I would say that its that reality that needs to be changed. That, I think, is the real challenge.

  2. The way society thinks is...a woman should be able to walk bare ass naked in public without the fear of being raped. In my book, the sheep that believe this...are unwise and uneducated. I've done the bar scene. I've seen women dress so provocative that it embarrassed me. Not all rape is preventable....but a lot are. I commented as anonymous...but its me...Lisa ;)
