Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Son took me out last night to see the latest Harry Potter movie. (1st time in 15 years I'd been inside a movie theater!)

I had been looking forward to seeing this movie, but there are a few things that not only disappointed me, but confused me as well. I mean, what was up with having Harry and Dumbledore meet at a muggle coffee shop? I don't see the point in leaving out Kreacher and the Dursleys. Kreacher is very important in the next part of the story and it should have at least been mentioned that Harry had inherited him from Sirius along with the house on Grimauld Place..

And what was that garbage about death eaters showing up at the Burrow and the Burrow being set on fire? Are they planning on leaving out all the scenes at the Burrow from the next movie? What about the wedding scenes where the death eaters show up, precipitating Harry, Hermione and Ron's sudden departure? Or are Bill and Fleur also going to be cut and, if so, where is Dobby supposed to take them when he helps them escape from the Malfoy's cellar? Or is Dobby to be left out of that movie as well?

I don't want to leave the wrong impression - I did enjoy the movie and look forward to purchasing it when it's released on DVD. But I still wish they hadn't changed so much of the story and left so many important characters out of the movie.


  1. Well, you already know (from facebook) that I have it. And you can see it when you finally get out here with the book you bought for me! lol!
